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Breakthrough wireless real-time energy monitoring and control technology for smart grid unveiled at Ecobuild

Seamless Sensing has unveiled breakthrough wireless energy monitoring technology at EcoBuild. The new technology is designed for homes and other buildings to allow people to monitor their energy usage. The story was covered by World of Renewables, a site for professionals within the energy industry. World of Renewables is a very relevant site for Seamless Sensing to achieve coverage on as the story will reach a large audience of professionals who may be visiting Ecobuild themselves and would be interested in the new energy monitoring technology.


SelectiveWorld of Renewables

RealWire Influence Rating3 starReadership: 67,000

Breakthrough wireless real-time energy monitoring and control technology for smart grid unveiled at Ecobuild
World of Renewables is the World's number 1 online renewable energy network. The website dedicated to the online evolution for an association of registered bona fide Renewable Energy buyers, specifiers and industry professionals. The site covers topics such as bioenergy, wind power, solar energy, recycling and climate change. World of Renewables also has an industry jobs section and a forum for professionals and key decsion makers to dicuss issues around renewable energy and climate change.