
x-Mobility launches Mobile Virtual Network Aggregator service
x-Mobility have announced the launch of their Mobile Virtual Network Aggregator (MVNA) service that provides a white-labeled MVNO service for brands wishing to enter the mobile space. The story was covered by Mobile Industry Review, a daily service providing news and opinion to mobile industry executives and fanatics around the world. Mobile Industry Review has a very respectable monthly readership of 250,000 unique visitors, making it a great place for mobile industry professionals to read about x-Mobility's announcement.Coverage

RealWire Influence RatingReadership: 250,000
New MVNA launches; student MVNO is first customer
Mobile Industry Review, formerly SMS Text News, provides a mix of news, original content and opinion across the mobile and wireless industries. 28% of Mobile Industry Review readers are in top-level management positions, with 36% in mid-level management and 37% in technical positions.