Arqiva named as principal cell site partner for pioneering 3G network integration project
Arqiva, a company that provides infrastructure behind television, radio and wireless communications in the UK announced that they had been selected by Mobile Broadband Network Limited (MBNL), a joint venture between T-Mobile UK and 3 UK. The Register, a massively read UK IT publication, covered the story and focused on the nature of the deal between T-Mobile UK and 3 UK. The coverage also described Arqiva as an "unsurprising choice", going on to discuss the extent of the company's operations in the UK.Coverage

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3 and T-Mobile announce site provider
The Register offers quirky and opinionated news and reviews on what's topical in the IT industry. The Register's target audience is the global tech workforce and IT Professionals, and in fact 79% of readers are IT professionals and 15% have direct sign-off for technology purchases. 77% of readers visit the site every day. The site serves over 34 million page impressions per month and 1.6 million registered users.