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BMJ Group launches on-line swine flu forum for doctors across the world

The BMJ Group launched an on-line swine flu forum for doctors to share information and research with each other across the world. The announcement was covered by Medical News, a specialist health news site offering visitors the option to discuss articles through their online forum. Medical News also has over 2 million unique visitors per month meaning a large amount of relevant people will read about BMJ’s new swine flu forum.


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BMJ Group Launches On-line Swine Flu Forum For Doctors Across The World
Medical News Today is the largest independent health and medical news website on the Internet. Medical News Today is updated with more than 80 articles every day, 7 days a week - more than any other health news site. The site is divided into 106 medical categories/specialities allowing you to browse only the news relevant you. Advanced news archive searches allow you to quickly find the articles you want.