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Businesses Count the Cost of Holiday Phone Cover

Moneypenny issued a Social Media News Release announcing that SMB staff are spending more time taking calls than focusing on the job in hand. The reports finding’s were covered in an editorial piece by Management Today. Management Today is aimed at Senior Business professionals offering management advice on current business issues, making it a very relevant site for Moneypenny’s report to be published on.    


EditorialManagement Today

RealWire Influence Rating3 starReadership: 45,000

SMEs hung up on taking telephone calls
Management Today is aimed at a senior business audience from top international organisations. Every month, more than 100,000 of the most influential business decision-makers in the world will turn to Management Today to stay abreast of the latest ideas on how to improve their own performance and that of their organisation. While keeping a beady eye on the share price and profit and loss, at the same time Management Today focuses on the issues that most challenge and inspire Britain's bosses and managers.